Monday, May 31, 2010


The other day in Religion class we watched a movie called "Invictus". I'm sure many of you have heard of it/seen it. Either way it's a movie about Nelson Mandela and how amazing he is, oh and rugby. There is a poem that is read during the movie also entitled "Invictus" (invictus is Latin for unconquered or undefeated, who knew?), it's written by William Earnest Henley. The last two lines really stuck with me the first time I watched it in theatres and they had the same effect on me when I heard them again, just last week. They are:

I am the master of my fate.
I am the captain of my soul.

I thought these words were important to share with everyone at this point in time. Many of us are making incredible decisions this year. We are no longer allowed to be comforted by the fact that we know where we are going and that as long as you do your homework, everything will be okay. We are moving on, not just to the next grade, but out into the world. Some of us to university, some back to high school and some into the work force. Either way I truly hope everyone made these decisions for themselves and were not influenced by outside sources. We truly are the masters of our fate, not our parents, not our friends, and not our significant others. Of course people will always try and tell you they know what's best for you but only you know you. The things you want in life may not always be easy to achieve, but they would not be your greatest accomplishments if you did not have to work for them.

I have never been one to take the easy way out in life and I couldn't be happier with my decisions. It's always scary going to a new school or running for school president or trying out for a musical, but these things shape who you are. You need to go for what you want in life and live with no regrets. Every decision you make should be one that will help you in life, and if you screw up, which we all do, well, there's the saying "never a failure, always a lesson".

When it comes to university and collage and all that good stuff - the same approach should be taken. For me, it is important to be in charge of where I go and what I do. Doctors and lawyers are not the only successful people in the world! Outside factors in your life may think they know what's best, because they're older or wiser and so on and so forth, but they are not the ones who are going to be living your life! I'm so proud to be the child of my parents (even though I complain... a lot), they have always given me the freedom to grow into the person I want to be and have always supported me in my dreams. My mom always tells me that if you love what you do, you will be successful.

So I know how cheesy and unrealistic this sounds, but it's true. Success can be measured in many different ways, according to many different people. There are some people who are truly content doing what they love and living modestly. But there are also people who don't want to live modestly and want all of those commercial luxuries in life. If you were to think of someone doing what they love and calling it success, you would most likely visualize a modestly living person, but that's not the case. How I interpret my mothers wise words are, if you love what you do, you will find a way to make it work for you. A person could put the same amount of time and effort into learning how to run a business as they would into becoming a doctor and potentially start an incredibly popular business selling vintage bottle caps. Everyone who is famous or rich or an incredible role model you have, started somewhere and I'm sure did not have an easy time getting where they are. Of course I'm not bashing doctors or lawyers, I'm simply stating that they're not the only way to become successful. So choose what you want, be the person who you've always wanted to be.

I know many people who are staying back or going out into the work force who are a little ashamed of telling people they aren't going to university or collage right away, but who says we have to?! So many people have learned the hard way that maybe they weren't ready to go away just quite yet or they didn't know what they wanted to do or they just wanted to take some time off! Society can not tell you what is right and what is wrong. Next year I am returning back to my high school for another semester and I know it is the right decision for me. I know that I am not sure of my career path yet and that I want to travel and work before I go to university. Everyone who made the decision not to go to collage or university next year has a reason!

For everyone who is unsure, or scared about next year, the reality is so is everyone else. As long as you made the right decisions for you, and you alone, there should be no reason why you won't be successful next year and throughout your life.

I am the master of my fate.
I am the captain of my soul.

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